The Issues you have to handle will be listed in [My Tasks]. By clicking the [Operate Task] button, entering the required items, and Finishing the task it will no longer be shown in your [My Tasks]. The issue then goes to the next step. See the Issue Detail before you start handling the Issue by clicking the [Detail] button if you want to see which step in the Workflow your handling corresponds to.
1a. Filter your Tasks
- 1. Setting the Filters
- a. Title:Filter the words in the Title
- b. Process Start User/Organization:Select and filter the User or Organization that has started the process
- c. Date:Check the Process Start Time/Offer Time/Deadline boxes to filter the start date and end date
- d. Star (★):Filter by Tasks with a ★
- 2. Setting display items in the list
- From [Display items], select the items you want to display in the column of the list.
- 3. List of Issues
- Click the [Update] to filter the list
- 4. Sort the list
- Click Title, Offered Time, ,or Deadline in the header row to sort the list with
- 5. Save the list
- Click[Save List]to add the list to the side menu
- All the Issues that you have undertaken and that are assigned to you will be shown in [My Tasks]
- When you open the Task list page, [Advanced search] and [Display items] will be collapsed by default, so please click it to expand it
- You can filter the list so that it is easy to read, considering your concurrent job status and the actual number of Issues to be processed
- Example: Specify Process Start Time with "#today.getFirstTimeInMonth()" (Started Issues in this month)
- The saved lists are displayed in the side menu in alphabetical order and you can click to view them
- You can also update the opened list by changing its condition
- You can open lists in another tab
1b. Filter your work by specific a operation
- 1. Specify the Workflow App
- Select the App and specify the operation you want to filter
- 2. Setting the Filters
- If you want to narrow it down even further, add a conditional expression for each of the input items (Data Items) defined in the App, including a to d in the list described in 1a
- 3. Setting display items in the list
- When a Data Item is selected for display, you can list its input data for multiple issues
- 4. List of Issues
- Click [Update] to filter the Issues
- 5. Sort the list
- Click Title, Offered Time, or Deadline in the header row to sort the list with
- 6. Save the list
- Click[Save List]to add the list to the side menu
- To specify an App, click on a piece of the pie graph or a row on the list on the right
- You can also specify in [Advanced search] screen
- The conditions that can be set are different depending on the data types of the Data Item
- Example: Data entered into a Numeric-type Data Item is greater than specified values
- Example: Emergency level is more than 3, or the price is more than 1 million yen
- Example: String-type Data Item is not empty
- For example, there is something written in the notes
- Example: Data entered into a Numeric-type Data Item is greater than specified values
R2030: Type of Conditional Expression
We’ve Improved My Tasks to Display the List of the Entered Business Data (Ver. 12.1)
2. Handle the Issues
- 1. Input form
- Click [Operate Task] to display the input form and enter the necessary data. After that, click [Finish] at the bottom of the input form
- The number and name of buttons at the bottom of the input form of each Task are different
- If you click [Save and Quit], the unfinished data is saved (There is no alert even if the required items are not filled)
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