Deprecated; use "JSON: Criteria for Process-Instance / Workitem Search" instead.
Search Conditions
Element / Attribute (X Path) | Description | |
/workitem-criteria | Route element of Search Conditions XML. Henceforward, /workitem-criteria is omitted. | |
process-model-info-id | Number | IDs of Process Models Do not specify if you wish to search all Process Models you have authorization for. |
states | Specifies the status of Processes to be searched. When not specified, all statuses will be searched. | |
states/state | String | The status of Processes is selected from below. When selecting multiple statuses, display them in order.
process-instance-id | Number | When specified, searches Processes with the specified ID. (Version 10.1 〜) |
title | String | When specified, searches Processes with titles that include the specified value. |
start-date-from | String | When specified, searches Processes that were started on or after the specified value. ex) Date: 2001-01-01 / Datetime: 2001-02-03 04:30 / Variable: #now, #today |
start-date-to | String | When specified, searches Processes that were started on or before the specified value. |
end-date-from | String | When specified, searches Processes that were completed on or after the specified value. Does not include running Processes. |
end-date-to | String | When specified, searches Processes that were completed on or before the specified value. Does not include running Processes. |
init-quser-id | String | ID(Number) of user or #me. When specified, searches Processes started by the specified user. |
init-qgroup-id | Number | ID of organization. When specified, searches Processes started by the specified organization. |
starred | Boolean | When specified, searches Processes with Star. true: starred / false: not starred |
node-number | Number | Number of node(task). When specified, searches specified Task. |
workitem-states | Specifies the status of Tasks to be searched. When not specified, all statuses will be searched. | |
workitem-states/workitem-state | String | The status of Tasks is selected from below. When selecting multiple statuses, display them in order.
workitem-starred (deprecated) |
Boolean | Specifies the star of Tasks to be searched. When not specified, both starred and unstarred will be searched.
workitem-allocated-quser-id | String | ID(Number) of user or #me. When specified, searches Tasks allocated to the specified user. |
workitem-offer-date-from | String | When specified, searches Tasks that were started on or after the specified value. ex) Date: 2001-01-01 / Datetime: 2001-02-03 04:30 / Variable: #now, #today |
workitem-offer-date-to | String | When specified, searches Tasks that were started on or before the specified value. |
workitem-end-date-from | String | When specified, searches Tasks that were finished on or after the specified value. |
workitem-end-date-to | String | When specified, searches Tasks that were finished on or before the specified value. |
workitem-time-limit-from | String | When specified, searches Tasks whose deadline were on or after the specified value. |
workitem-time-limit-to | String | When specified, searches Tasks whose deadline were on or before the specified value. |
sort-property | String | Select the key for sorting search results from below. When this is not specified, the Task Offered Time becomes the key.
sort-direction | String | Specifies the direction of sorting (acsending, descending). When this is not specified, descending is applied.
data | Specified when including Process Data Items in search conditions and acquisition of results. Only Process Data Items specified here is included in search results. | |
data/*/data-definition-number | Number | Process Data definition number. Specifies the Drocess Data definition number of Process Data Items to be used in search conditions and search results. The asterisk (*) portion differs according to the data type. |
data/*/value | String | Specifies the value used in searches. The meaning differs according to the type of search. Some search types do not need this specified. The asterisk (*) portion differs according to the data type. |
data/string | Specified when including String type Process Data Items in search conditions and search results. | |
data/string/empty | Specified when searching "empty" String type Process Data Items. For this type of search, data/*/value does not need to be specified. | |
data/string/not-empty | Specified when searching "not empty" String type Process Data Items. For this type of search, data/*/value does not need to be specified. | |
data/string/contains | Specified when searching String type Process Data Items that contain the text specified in data/*/value. | |
data/discussion | Specified when including Discussion type Process Data Items in search conditions and search results. | |
data/discussion/empty | Specified when searching "empty" Discussion type Process Data Items. For this type of search, data/*/value does not need to be specified. | |
data/discussion/not-empty | Specified when searching "not empty" Discussion type Process Data Items. For this type of search, data/*/value does not need to be specified. | |
data/discussion/contains | Specified when searching Discussion type Process Data Items that contain the text specified in data/*/value. | |
data/decimal | Specified when including Numeric type Process Data Items in search conditions and search results. | |
data/decimal/equals | Specified when searching Numeric type Process Data Items with a value that equals the value specified in data/*/value. | |
data/decimal/greater-equals | Specified when searching Numeric type Process Data Items with a value that is equal to or greater than the value specified in data/*/value. | |
data/decimal/less-equals | Specified when searching Numeric type Process Data Items with a value that is equal to or smaller than the value specified in data/*/value. | |
data/date | Specified when including Date type Process Data Items in search conditions and search results. | |
data/date/equals | Specified when searching Date type Process Data Items with a value that equals the value specified in data/*/value. | |
data/date/after-equals | Specified when searching Date type Process Data Items with a value that is later than the value specified in data/*/value. | |
data/date/before-equals | Specified when searching Date type Process Data Items with a value that is sooner than the value specified in data/*/value. | |
data/datetime | Specified when including Date type Process Data Items in search conditions and search results. | |
data/datetime/equals | Specified when searching Date type Process Data Items with a value equals the value specified in data/*/value. | |
data/datetime/after-equals | Specified when searching DateTime type Process Data Items with a value that is later than the value specified in data/*/value. | |
data/datetime/before-equals | Specified when searching DateTime type Process Data Items with a value that is sooner than the value specified in data/*/value. | |
data/select | Specified when including Select type Process Data Items in search conditions and search results. | |
data/select/selected | Specified when searching Select type Process Data Items in which the value specified in data/*/value is selected. | |
data/file | Specified when including File type Process Data Items in search conditions and search results. | |
data/file/contains | Specified when searching User type Process Data Items that include file names that contain the value specified in data/*/value. | |
data/quser | Specified when including User type Process Data Items in search conditions and search results. | |
data/quser/equals | Specified when searching User type Process Data of the User ID specified in data/*/value. | |
data/qgroup * Ver.9.7 - | Specified when including Organization type Process Data Items in search conditions and search results. | |
data/qgroup/equals * Ver.9.7 - | Specified when searching Organization type Process Data of the Group ID specified in data/*/value. | |
data/table | Specified when including Table type Process Data Items in search conditions and search results. Only able to include in search result. | |
data/*/view | Specifies the value used when acquiring results of the specified Process Data Item, without search conditions. The asterisk (*) portion differs according to the data type. |
Sample Query
<workitem-criteria> <process-model-info-id>33</process-model-info-id> <start-date-from>2011-01-01</start-date-from> <node-number>0</node-number> <workitem-states><workitem-state>ENDED</workitem-state></workitem-states> <workitem-allocated-quser-id>#me</workitem-allocated-quser-id> <workitem-offer-date-from>2000-01-01</workitem-offer-date-from> <workitem-offer-date-to>#today</workitem-offer-date-to> <workitem-end-date-from>2000-01-01 00:00</workitem-end-date-from> <workitem-end-date-to>#now</workitem-end-date-to> <workitem-time-limit-from>2000-01-01</workitem-time-limit-from> <workitem-time-limit-to>#now</workitem-time-limit-to> <data> <string> <data-definition-number>0</data-definition-number> <not-empty /> </string> <decimal> <data-definition-number>1</data-definition-number> <greater-equals /> <value>100</value> </decimal> <select> <data-definition-number>10</data-definition-number> <view /> </select> </data> </workitem-criteria>
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