Can I re-register a user with the same email address?



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    Questetra Support

    In Questetra, Users are managed by User ID (u+number).

    It is possible to re-register a User using the email address that was used in the past, but in the system it will be registered as a new User (with a new User ID).

    Therefore, the newly registered User will not be able to view the form data processed by the deleted User. In order to view past data, you need to grant Data Viewing permission for each App.
    (If you have Data Viewing privileges you can view all the data of the target App.)


    For information on updating and deleting User information and handling past data when deleting a User, please refer to the following pages:

    M306: Update or Delete a User Account
    What will Happen to the Operational Records of the Past when I Delete a User?

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