Trying to do a Bulk User update



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    Questetra Support

    Email addresses can't be changed by bulk user update with [Import Users]. An email address is being used as a key to collate the user registered with it.

    You can update Name, Password and Organization in batch.

    If you'd like to change email addresses, please change user profiles one by one.

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    Questetra Support

    FYI; The System Settings REST API allows you to change user information. Therefore, it is possible to change the email addresses of many users at once by writing shell scripts.

    However, if misconfigured, the System Settings REST API can have a major impact on your workflow platform, so be sure to fully understand specification of the API before using it and be careful what you configure.

    M417: Utilising the Workflow-platform APIs to Make Settings for Users, Organizations, etc.

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