These are configuration formats for automatically assigning values to Select-type Data Items. In the assignment settings for the Select-type Data Item the choice ID is specified as a fixed value. It is also possible to refer to the values (selection results) of other Select-type Data Items or the values of String-type Data Items.
BPMN Icon: [Update Data]
Choice ID
Format | Assigned Value |
{'ja'} ('ja' is also acceptable) |
Display label for a Choice whose ID is 'ja' |
{'ja', 'br'} | (If it's [checkbox]) Display label for a Choice whose ID are 'ja' and 'br' |
Data Items
Format | Assigned Value |
#q_otherSelect |
Copy the value of other Select-type Data Items Refer only to the option value (Choice ID) (differences in Display labels are ignored) |
#q_string |
Copy the value of String-type Data Items The specified string is regarded as the option value (Choice ID) |
- When copying values from checkbox to another form type (radio button, etc.), it results in an error if two or more of the original options are selected
You can specify only one Choice IDSpecifying multiple Checkboxes is not supported(Supported after version 14.2)
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