These are the Java classes and methods which are available in the [Script Task]. There are Questetra-specific classes and Java standard classes.
BPMN icon:[Script Task]
1. Questetra-specific Classes
1-1. Class for retrieving/updating the Workflow platform
1-2. Class for retrieving the Workflow App definition (business process definition)
1-3. Class for retrieving/updating the properties of Processes flowing in a Workflow App
1-4. Class for retrieving/updating business data stored in a Process that flows into a Workflow App
1-5. Class for retrieving a child Process
1-6. Class for manipulating Select-type data(SELECT, SELECT_SINGLE, SELECT_CHECKBOX)
1-7. Class for manipulating Datetime-type data(DATE, DATE_YMD, DATE_YM, DATE_Y, DATE_MD, DATETIME)
1-8. Class for manipulating User-type data(QUSER)
1-9. Class for manipulating Organization-type data(QGROUP)
1-10. Class for manipulating Roles(QROLE)
1-11. Class for manipulating Table-type data(LIST)
1-12. Class for manipulating File-type data(FILE)
fileRepository sample (script for service task definition (Addon-XML))
1-13. Class for manipulating strings and collections
1-14. Class for manipulating XML
xpath sample (script for service task definition (Addon-XML))
1-15. Class for manipulating byte array
1-16. Class for controlling posting to Open Chat
com.questetra.bpms.core.event.scripttask.FeedServiceWrapper com.questetra.bpms.core.event.scripttask.FeedServiceWrapper.FeedMessageWrapper
feedService sample (Script for service task definition (Addon-XML))
1-17. Class for controlling HTTP communication
authSetting sample (Script for service task definition (Addon-XML))
1-18. Class for controlling SMTP (Email) communication
2. Classes that Retrieve Config values of a Service Task Definition (Add-on)
For scripts described in Service Task definition (Add-on) (M416)
Code example
const processId = configs.get( "conf_ProcessId" );
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
get(String configName) Returns the following string, depending on the form-type setting - TEXTFIELD, TEXTAREA: Returns the entered string or (If el-enabled = "true") the result of the EL expression being evaluated - SELECT: Returns the data definition number of the specified Data Item or (if editable = "true") the entered character string - SELECT_ITEM: Returns the value of the selected choice (item) - TOGGLE: Returns a boolean as a string ("true" or "false") - QUSER: Returns the user ID of the selected Quser - OAUTH2: Returns the settingName of the selected OAuth2 settings |
Object |
getObject(String configName) |
3. Java standard Classes
Details of Questetra-specific Classes
Code example
const item = engine.findDataDefinitionByName( "Customer Name" );
Method for updating the Workflow platform
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
getTimeZoneId() Returns the time zone ID of the system |
int |
getTimeZoneOffsetInMinutes() Returns the offset time of the system time zone in minutes |
void |
log(String message) Outputs log messages to processing records |
Methods for retrieving the Workflow App definition
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
List<ProcessDataDefinitionView> |
findDataDefinitions() Returns a list of Data Items |
ProcessDataDefinitionView |
findDataDefinitionByName(String name) Returns the Data Item searched by name. If there are multiple Data Items with the same name, the first one is returned |
ProcessDataDefinitionView |
findDataDefinitionByNumber(String dataDefNum) Returns the Data Item searched by definition number |
ProcessDataDefinitionView |
findDataDefinitionByNumber(Long dataDefNum) Returns the Data Item searched by definition number |
ProcessDataDefinitionView |
findDataDefinitionByVarName(String fieldName) Return the Data Item searched by field name |
Methods for retrieving/updating business data
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
Object |
findDataByVarName(String fieldName) Returns the object of the Data Item specified by the field name. (For the object type, see the description of findData()) |
Object |
findDataByName(String name) Returns the Data Item object specified by the Data Item Name. (For the object type, see the description of findData()) |
Object |
findDataByNumber(String dataDefNum) Returns the Data Item object specified by the data definition number. (For the object type, see the description of findData()) |
Object |
findDataByNumber(Long dataDefNum) Returns the Data Item object specified by the data definition number. (For the object type, see the description of findData()) |
Object |
findData(ProcessDataDefinitionView pocket) |
void |
setDataByVarName(String fieldName, Object value) Assigns a value to a Data Item specified by a field name |
void |
setDataByName(String name, Object value) Assigns a value to the Data Item specified by the Data Item name |
void |
setDataByNumber(String dataDefNum, Object value) Assigns a value to the Data Item specified by the data definition number |
void |
setDataByNumber(Long dataDefNum, Object value) Assigns a value to the Data Item specified by the data definition number |
void |
setData(ProcessDataDefinitionView pocket, Object value) Assigns a value (data object) to a Data Item specified by a data definition object |
Code example
const childProcess = engine.findChildProcessInstance( "1234" );
Methods that reference Child Processes
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
ProcessInstanceView |
findChildProcessInstance(String pid) Returns the child process specified by Process ID (Error when trying to access a Process other than a child Process) |
ProcessInstanceView |
findChildProcessInstance(Long pid) Returns the child Process specified by Process ID (Error when trying to access a Process other than a child Process) |
Object or List<Object> |
findChildDataByVarName(ProcessInstanceView childPi, String fieldName) Returns an object of the Data Item specified by field name from the specified child Process (Error when trying to access a Data Item that is not allowed to be referenced by the parent Process) (For object types, see the description of WorflowEngine.findData()) |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
getName() Returns the Data Item name |
long |
getNumber() Returns the Data Definition number |
String |
getVarName() Returns the field name |
List<SubDataDefinitionView> |
getSubDataDefinitions() Returns a list of table items for Table-type cases |
ScriptListArray |
createListArray() Creates an empty table (an empty ScriptListArray object) for Table-type cases |
boolean |
matchDataType(String dataType) dataType: data types that are true |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
getName() Returns the table item name |
String |
getVarName() Returns the field name of the table item. If the field name is undefined it returns null |
long |
getNumber() Returns the table item number |
boolean |
matchDataType(String dataType) dataType: data types that are true |
Code example
const appId = processInstance.getProcessModelInfoId();
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
Long |
getProcessModelInfoId() Returns the App ID |
String |
getProcessModelInfoName() Returns the App name |
String |
getProcessModelInfoCategory() Returns App Category |
Long |
getProcessModelVersion() Returns the version of the App with which the Process was started |
Long |
getProcessInstanceId() Returns Process ID |
Long |
getParentProcessInstanceId() Returns the Process ID of the parent Process |
String |
getProcessInstanceState() Returns Process status - STARTED: Incomplete - ENDED: Finished - FAILED: Abnormal end |
String |
getProcessInstanceTitle() Returns the Title of the Process |
QuserView |
getProcessInstanceInitQuser() Returns Process Start User |
Long |
getProcessInstanceInitQuserId() Returns Process Start User ID |
String |
getProcessInstanceInitQuserName() Returns Process Start User Name |
QgroupView |
getProcessInstanceInitQgroup() Returns Process Start Organization |
Long |
getProcessInstanceInitQgroupId() Retrieves Process Start Organization ID |
String |
getProcessInstanceInitQgroupName() Returns Process Start Organization Name |
AddableTimestamp |
getProcessInstanceStartDatetime() Returns Process Start DateTime |
Long |
getProcessInstanceSequenceNumber() Returns Process Sequence Number |
void |
setProcessInstanceTitle(String title) Sets the Title of the Process |
boolean |
getProcessInstanceDebug() Determines if the Process is a Debug process. |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
getValue() Returns the option ID |
String |
getDisplay() Return the choice labels |
Code example
const options = itemDao.findAll("customer_master.xml", true);
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
List<ItemView> |
findAll(String fileName, boolean isSharedFile) Returns all choices of the specified choice master |
List<ItemView> |
findAll(ProcessDataDefinitionView dataDef) Returns all choices in the specified Select-type Data Item (Error if the Type of data source is "Get choice list via HTTP") |
List<ItemView> |
findAll(SubDataDefinitionView subDataDef) Returns all choices in the specified Select-type Sub Data Item of Table-type Date Item |
ItemView |
findByValue(String fileName, boolean isSharedFile, String value) Returns a choice with a specific value (choice ID) from a specified choice master |
ItemView |
findByValue(ProcessDataDefinitionView dataDef, String value) Returns a choice with a specific value (choice ID) in the specified Select-type Data Item (Error if the Type of data source is "Get choice list via HTTP") |
ItemView |
findByValue(SubDataDefinitionView dataDef, String value) Returns a choice with a specific value (choice ID) in the specified Select-type Sub Data Item of Table-type Data Item (Error if the Type of data source is "Get choice list via HTTP") |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
(AddableDate) |
AddableDate() Returns the Date when called (year, month, day/YMD) |
(AddableDate) |
AddableDate(long time) Returns the Date specified in milliseconds (time) since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (year, month, day/YMD) |
AddableDate |
addDays(int days) Returns a Date adding the number of days specified (Specified a negative value, it will go back in time) |
AddableDate |
addMonths(int months) Returns a Date adding the number of months specified (Specified a negative value, it will go back in time) |
long |
getTime() The Date-type value "2022-12-31" in the workflow platform operating in JST (+09:00) will be converted to the difference between |
AddableDate |
getFirstDateInMonth() Returns the first day of the month |
AddableDate |
getFirstDateInWeek() Returns the first day of the week (Monday) |
AddableTimestamp |
getFirstTimeInDate() Returns the first time of the day (0:00:00, 0ms) |
AddableDate |
getLastDateInMonth() Returns the last day of the month. The day before the 1st of the next month |
String |
toString() Returns strings in the format according to date subtype - Y/M/D: yyyy-MM-dd - M/D: MM-dd - Y/M: yyyy-MM - Y: yyyy |
AddableDate | getFirstTimeInMonth() *deprecated |
AddableDate | getLastTimeInMonth() *deprecated |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
(AddableTimestamp) |
AddableTimestamp() Returns the Timestamp at the time of the call |
(AddableTimestamp) |
AddableTimestamp(long time) Returns a Timestamp specified in milliseconds (time) since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC |
AddableTimestamp |
addMinutes(int minutes) Returns the Timestamp adding the specified minutes (Specified a negative value, it will go back in time) |
AddableTimestamp |
addHours(int hours) Returns the Timestamp adding the specified hours (Specified a negative value, it will go back in time) |
AddableTimestamp |
addDays(int days) Returns the Timestamp adding the specified days (Specified a negative value, it will go back in time) |
AddableTimestamp |
addMonths(int months) Returns the Timestamp adding the specified months (Specified a negative value, it will go back in time) |
long |
getTime() Returns the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Datetime-type values are interpreted as the time of the workflow platform's time zone) The Datetime value "2022-12-31 12:34" in a workflow platform operating in JST (+09:00) will be converted to the difference between |
AddableTimestamp |
getFirstTimeInDate() Returns the first time of the day (0:00:00, 0ms) |
AddableTimestamp |
getFirstTimeInWeek() Returns the first time of the first day of the week (0:00:00, 0ms of Monday.) |
AddableTimestamp |
getFirstTimeInMonth() Returns the first time of the first day of the month (0:00:00, 0ms of the 1st.) |
AddableTimestamp |
getLastTimeInMonth() Returns the last time of the last day of the month (1 ms before the first day of the next month) |
String |
toString() Returns strings in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" format |
Code example
const text = dateFormatter.format('GMT+0900', 'yyyyMMdd HHmmZ', myTime); const datetime = dateFormatter.parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', '2020-03-14 09:45');
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
format(String timeZone, String format, AddableTimestamp datetime) Returns a formatted string out of Datetime data by specifying a time zone |
String |
format(String format, AddableTimestamp datetime) Returns a formatted string out of Datetime data |
String |
format(String format, AddableDate date) Returns a formatted string out of Date data |
AddableTimestamp |
parse(String format, String textDatetime) Parses a string in the specified format and returns a timestamp |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
Long |
getId() Returns User ID |
String |
getName() Returns User Name |
String |
getEmail() Returns User's email address |
boolean |
isDeleted() Determines if a User is deleted |
boolean |
isDeletedInFuture() Determines if it is scheduled for deletion |
Code example
const quser = quserDao.findByEmail( "" );
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
QuserView |
findByEmail(String email) Returns QuserView object for the specified email address |
QuserView |
findById(Long id) Returns QuserView object for the specified User ID |
List<QuserView> |
findByQgroup(QgroupView qgroup) Returns list of QuserView object who belongs to an Organization |
List<QuserView> | findByQgroupAndPosition(QgroupView qgroup, boolean isLeader) Returns list of QuserView object who belongs to an Organization as With Position/No Position isLeader: true With Position / false No Position *deprecated (2026-04) => Use findMembersOfQgroup(QgroupView, boolean hasTitle) |
List<QuserView> |
findByQrole(QroleView qrole) Returns a list of QuserView object who belonging to the specified role |
List<QuserView> |
findByQuery(String query) Returns list of QgroupView object that satisfies the specified query |
boolean |
isMemberOfQrole(QuserView quser, QroleView qrole) Determines whether the user belongs to the specified role |
boolean |
isMemberOfQgroup(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup) Determines whether the user belongs to the designated organisation |
boolean |
isMemberOfQgroup(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup, boolean hasTitle) Determines whether the user belongs to the designated organisation as With Position/No Position |
boolean |
isMemberOfQgroup(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup, QtitleView qtitle) Determines whether the user belongs to the designated organisation in a specified position |
boolean |
isMemberOfParentQgroup(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup) Determines whether the user belongs in the parent organisation of the designated organisation |
boolean |
isMemberOfParentQgroup(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup, boolean hasTitle) Determines whether the user belongs in the parent organisation of the designated organisation as With Position/No Position |
boolean |
isMemberOfParentQgroup(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup, QtitleView qtitle) Determines whether the user belongs in the parent organisation of the designated organisation in a specified position |
boolean |
isMemberOfAnyChildQgroups(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup) Determines whether the user belongs in one of the designated organisation's child organisations |
boolean |
isMemberOfAnyChildQgroups(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup, boolean hasTitle) Determines whether the user belongs in one of the designated organisation's child organisations as With Position/No Position |
boolean |
isMemberOfAnyChildQgroups(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup, QtitleView qtitle) Determines whether the user belongs in one of the designated organisation's child organisations in a specified position |
boolean |
isMemberOfAnyAncestorQgroups(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup) Determines whether the user belongs to one of the upper organisations of the designated organisation |
boolean |
isMemberOfAnyAncestorQgroups(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup, boolean hasTitle) Determines whether the user belongs to one of the upper organisations of the designated organisation as With Position/No Position |
boolean |
isMemberOfAnyAncestorQgroups(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup, QtitleView qtitle) Determines whether the user belongs to one of the upper organisations of the designated organisation in a specified position |
boolean |
isMemberOfAnyDescendantQgroups(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup) Determines whether the user belongs in any of the lower organisations of the designated organisation |
boolean |
isMemberOfAnyDescendantQgroups(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup, boolean hasTitle) Determines whether the user belongs in any of the lower organisations of the designated organisation as With Position/No Position |
boolean |
isMemberOfAnyDescendantQgroups(QuserView quser, QgroupView qgroup, QtitleView qtitle) Determines whether the user belongs in any of the lower organisations of the designated organisation in a specfied position |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfQgroup(QgroupView qgroup) Returns a list of Qusers (users) belonging to the specified organisation Same as existing findByQgroup(QgroupView) |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfQgroup(QgroupView qgroup, QtitleView qtitle) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to the specified organisation in a specified position |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfQgroup(QgroupView group, boolean hasTitle) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to the specified organisation as With Position/No Position Same as existing findByQgroupAndPosition(QgroupView, boolean) |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfParentQgroup(QgroupView qgroup) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belonging to the parent organisation of the specified organisation |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfParentQgroup(QgroupView qgroup, QtitleView qtitle) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to the parent organisation of the specified organisation in a specified position |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfParentQgroup(QgroupView qgroup, boolean hasTitle) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to the parent organisation of the specified organisation as With Position/No Position |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfAnyChildQgroups(QgroupView qgroup) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to one of the specified organisation's child organisations |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfAnyChildQgroups(QgroupView qgroup, QtitleView qtitle) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to one of the child organisations of the specified organisation in a speicfied position |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfAnyChildQgroups(QgroupView qgroup, boolean hasTitle) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to one of the specified organisation's child organisations as With Position/No Position |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfAnyAncestorQgroups(QgroupView qgroup) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to one of the upper organisations of the specified organisation |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfAnyAncestorQgroups(QgroupView qgroup, QtitleView qtitle) Returns a list of Qusers (users)who belong to one of the upper organisations of the specified organisation in a specified position |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfAnyAncestorQgroups(QgroupView qgroup, boolean hasTitle) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to one of the upper organisations of the specified organisation, as With Position/No Position |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfAnyDescendantQgroups(QgroupView qgroup) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to one of the lower organisations of the specified organisation |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfAnyDescendantQgroups(QgroupView qgroup, QtitleView qtitle) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to one of the lower organisations of the specified organisation in a specified position |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfAnyDescendantQgroups(QgroupView qgroup, boolean hasTitle) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to one of the lower organisations of the specified organisation as With Position/No Position |
List<QuserView> |
findMembersOfQrole(QroleView qrole) Returns a list of Qusers (users) who belong to the specified role |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
Long |
getId() Returns Organization ID |
String |
getName() Returns Organization Name |
String |
getEmail() Returns Organization's email address |
boolean |
isDeleted() Determines if an Organization is deleted |
boolean |
isDeletedInFuture() Determines if it is scheduled for deletion |
Code example
const qorg = qgroupDao.findById( 3 );
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
QgroupView |
findById(Long id) Returns QgroupView object for the specified Organization ID |
QgroupView |
findByName(String name) Returns QgroupView object for the specified Organization name |
QgroupView |
findParentQgroup(QgroupView qgroup) Returns QgroupView object which is parent Organization of the specified Organization |
QgroupView |
findPrimaryQgroup(QuserView quser) Returns QgroupView object which the specified User primarily belongs to |
List<QgroupView> |
findByQuser(QuserView quser) Returns list of QgroupView object which the specified User belongs to |
List<QgroupView> |
findByQuser(QuserView quser, boolean hasTitle) Returns list of QgroupView object which the specified user belongs to as With Position/No Position |
List<QgroupView> |
findByQuser(QuserView quser, QtitleView qtitle) Returns list of QgroupView object which the user belongs to in a specified position |
List<QgroupView> |
findByQuserAndPosition(QuserView quser, boolean isLeader) Returns list of QgroupView object which the specified User belongs to as With Position/No Position isLeader: true With Position / false No Position |
List<QgroupView> |
findByQuery(String query) Returns list of QgroupView object which satisfies the specified query |
List<QgroupView> |
findChildQgroups(QgroupView qgroup) Returns list of QgroupView object showing child organizations of the specified organization |
List<QgroupView> |
findAncestorQgroups(QgroupView qgroup) Returns list of QgroupView object showing upper organizations of the specified organization |
List<QgroupView> |
findDescendantQgroups(QgroupView qgroup) Returns list of QgroupView object showing lower organizations of the specified organization |
boolean |
isParentOf(QgroupView qgroupParent, QgroupView qgroupChild) Determines whether the organization is a parent of the specified organization |
boolean |
isChildOf(QgroupView qgroupChild, QgroupView qgroupParent) Determines whether the organization is a child of the specified organization |
boolean |
isAncestorOf(QgroupView qgroupAncestor, QgroupView qgroupDescendant) Determines whether the organization is an upper organization to the specified organization |
boolean |
isDescendantOf(QgroupView qgroupDescendant, QgroupView qgroupAncestor) Determines whether the organization is an lower organization to the specified organization |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
Long |
getId() Returns Role ID |
String |
getName() Returns Role Name |
boolean |
isDeletedInFuture() Determines if it is scheduled for deletion |
Code example
const qrole = qroleDao.findById( 2 );
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
QroleView |
findById(Long id) Returns QroleView object for the specified Role ID |
QroleView |
findByName(String name) Returns QroleView object for the specified Role name |
List<QroleView> |
findByQuser(QuserView quser) Returns list of QroleView object which the specified User belongs to |
List<QroleView> |
findByQuery(String query) Returns list of QgroupView object which satisfies the specified query |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
Long |
getId() Returns Title ID |
String |
getName() Returns Title Name |
Code example
const qtitle = qtitleDao.findById( 2 );
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
QtitleView |
findById(Long id) Returns QtitleView object for the specified Title ID |
QtitleView |
findByName(String name) Returns QtitleView object for the specified Title name |
List<QtitleView> |
findByQuery(String query) Returns list of QtitleView object which satisfies the specified query |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
ScriptListArray.ScriptListRow |
addRow() Appends an empty row |
String |
get(int rowIndex, int colIndex) Returns cell data as String - rowIndex : Row number 0-index - colIndex : Column number 0-index String format - String-type: (entered character string) - Numeric-type: Standard format (period as decimal point, no thousands separator) - Select-type: Choice ID - Date-type: yyyy-mm-dd |
String |
get(int rowIndex, String fieldName) Returns cell data as String (See above for String format) |
Object |
getObject(int rowIndex, int colIndex) Returns cell data object - rowIndex : Row number 0-index - colIndex : Column number 0-index Object types - String-type: java.lang.String - Numeric-type: java.math.BigDecimal - Select-type: com.questetra.bpms.core.event.scripttask.ItemView - Date-type com.questetra.bpms.util.AddableDate |
Object |
getObject(int rowIndex, String fieldName) Returns cell data object (See above for object types) |
ScriptListArray.ScriptListRow |
getRow(int rowIndex) Returns the specified row |
List<ScriptListArray.ScriptListRow> |
getRows() Returns all rows |
ScriptListArray.ScriptListRow |
getSummary() Returns the contents in the summary row at the end of table (Null if it does not exist) |
ScriptListArray.ScriptListRow |
removeRow(int rowIndex) Deletes specified row |
int |
size() Returns the number of rows |
String |
toXmlString() Returns table in XML string |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
get(String fieldName) Returns column specified by field name String format - String-type: (entered character string) - Numeric-type: Standard format (period as decimal point, no thousands separator) - Select-type: Choice ID - Date-type: yyyy-mm-dd |
String |
getCol(int colIndex) Returns the specified column (String format same as get()) |
List<String> |
getCols() Returns all columns (String format same as get()) |
Object |
getObject(int colIndex) Returns column data object in the specified column - index: Column number 0-index Object type - String-type: java.lang.String - Numeric-type: java.math.BigDecimal - Select-type: com.questetra.bpms.core.event.scripttask.ItemView - Date-type: com.questetra.bpms.util.AddableDate |
Object |
getObject(String fieldName) Returns column data object specified by field name (See above for object types) |
String |
put(String fieldName, String cellString) Overwrites the column specified by field name, then retrieves the previous value String (cellString) format - String-type: (entered character string) - Numeric-type: Standard format (period as decimal point, no thousands separator) - Select-type: Choice ID - Date-type: yyyy-mm-dd |
void |
setCol(int colIndex, String cellString) Overwrites the specified column String (cellString) format - String-type: (entered character string) - Numeric-type: Standard format (period as decimal point, no thousands separator) - Select-type: Choice ID - Date-type: yyyy-mm-dd |
void |
setObject(int colIndex, Object value) Overwrites the specified column Object type - String-type: String - Numeric-type: BigDecimal / String (Standard format) - Select-type: ItemView / String (Choice ID) - Date-type: AddableDate / String (yyyy-mm-dd) |
void |
setObject(String fieldName, Object value) Overwrites the specified column by field name (See above for object types) |
int |
size() Returns the number of columns |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
Long |
getId() Returns File ID |
String |
getName() Returns File Name |
Long |
getLength() Returns File size |
String |
getLengthText() Returns File size as text |
String |
getContentType() Returns the Content-Type of the File |
String |
getCharset() Returns only the charset value among the values retrieved by getContentType() |
Long |
getProcessDataInstanceId() Returns the ID of the File type data instance in which the File is stored |
Boolean |
isImage() Determines whether the file is an image Returns true if it is an image. Files that display a preview image in the Web UI are considered to be images. |
Boolean |
isInline() Returns true if the file has a separate window display button in the Web UI |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
(NewQfile) |
NewQfile(String fileName, String contentType, String text) Save text data as a file by specifying Content-Type |
(NewQfile) |
NewQfile(String fileName, String contentType, String charset, String text) Save text data as a file by specifying Content-Type and character code (charset) |
(NewQfile) |
NewQfile(String fileName, String contentType, ByteArrayWrapper data) Saves the binary data as it is |
(NewQfile) |
NewQfile(String fileName, String contentType, QfileView copyFrom) Duplicates and saves file data as it is |
String |
getName() Returns File Name |
Long |
getLength() Returns File size |
String |
getContentType() Return the Content-Type of the file |
String |
getCharset() Returns only the charset value among the values retrieved by getContentType() |
Code example
fileRepository.readFile(file, "UTF-8", function(line) { text += line + '\n'; });
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
readFile(QfileView qfile, String encoding) Reads text files with specified character encoding (The size of the file that can be read is limited to 1MB) |
void |
readFile(QfileView qfile, String encoding, java.util.function.Consumer<String> function) Reads a text file with the specified character code and passes it line by line to the specified function (For text files with 10 lines, the function is called 10 times) |
ByteArrayWrapper |
readFile(QfileView qfile) Reads files as a byte array (The size of the file that can be read is limited to 1MB) |
void |
readFile(QfileView qfile, int size, java.util.function.Consumer<ByteArrayWrapper> function) Reads the file as a byte array of a specified size and passes it to a specified function |
Code example
const base64Str = base64.encodeToString( "Email subject" );
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
encodeToString(ByteArrayWrapper bytes) Encodes to Base64 (RFC 4648) |
String |
encodeToString(String src) Encodes to Base64 as UTF-8 characters (RFC 4648) |
String |
encodeToUrlSafeString(ByteArrayWrapper bytes) Encodes to Base64 (RFC 4648: URL and Filename Safe Alphabet) (Uses "-" "_" instead of "+" "/") |
String |
encodeToUrlSafeString(String src) Encodes to Base64 as UTF-8 characters (RFC 4648: URL and Filename Safe Alphabet) (Uses "-" "_" instead of "+" "/") |
String |
decodeFromString(String src) Decodes Base64 from UTF-8 characters (RFC 4648) |
String |
decodeFromUrlSafeString(String src) Decodes Base64 from UTF-8 characters (RFC 4648: URL and Filename Safe Alphabet) (Uses "-" "_" instead of "+" "/") |
ByteArrayWrapper |
decodeFromStringToByteArray(String src) Decodes Base64 into binary data (RFC 4648) |
ByteArrayWrapper |
decodeFromUrlSafeStringToByteArray(String src) Decodes Base64 into binary data (RFC 4648: URL and Filename Safe Alphabet) (Uses "-" "_" instead of "+" "/") |
Code example
const file = q_file.get(0); const md5_hex = hex.encodeToString(digest.md5(file)); // Outputs MD5 hash in hexadecimal
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
encodeToString(ByteArrayWrapper bytes) Outputs in hexadecimal |
Code example
const privateKeyPem = `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- (Base64 encoded private key) -----END PRIVATE KEY-----`; // Read private key const privateKey = rsa.readKeyFromPkcs8(privateKeyPem); // Signature const sign = rsa.signRsa256(privateKey, 'hogehoge'); // Base64 encode const signString = base64.encodeToString(sign);
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
PrivateKeyWrapper |
readKeyFromPkcs8(String privateKeyPem) Readd private key in KCS#8 format |
ByteArrayWrapper |
signRsa256(PrivateKeyWrapper privateKey, String text) Sign with SA-SHA256 |
Private key object class
Code example
const key = engine.findDataByVarName('q_HMAC_key'); const text = engine.findDataByVarName('q_HMAC_text'); const hash = hex.encodeToString(hmac.sha256(key, text));
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
ByteArrayWrapper |
sha256(String key, String text) Calculate the authentication code with HMAC-SHA256 |
Code example
const file = q_file.get(0); const md5_hex = hex.encodeToString(digest.md5(file)); // Outputs MD5 hash in hexadecimal const sha256_base64 = base64.encodeToString(digest.sha256(file)); // Outputs SHA256 hash in Base64
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
ByteArrayWrapper |
md5(ByteArrayWrapper bytes) Calculates the MD5 hash value |
ByteArrayWrapper |
md5(QfileView qfile) Calculate the MD5 hash value |
ByteArrayWrapper |
sha1(ByteArrayWrapper bytes) Calculates the SHA1 hash value |
ByteArrayWrapper |
sha1(QfileView qfile) Calculates the SHA1 hash value |
ByteArrayWrapper |
sha256(ByteArrayWrapper bytes) Calculates the SHA256 hash value |
ByteArrayWrapper |
sha256(QfileView qfile) Calculates the SHA256 hash value |
ByteArrayWrapper |
sha384(ByteArrayWrapper bytes) Calculates the SHA384 hash value |
ByteArrayWrapper |
sha384(QfileView qfile) Calculates the SHA384 hash value |
ByteArrayWrapper |
sha512(ByteArrayWrapper bytes) Calculates the SHA512 hash value |
ByteArrayWrapper |
sha512(QfileView qfile) Calculates the SHA512 hash value |
Code example
const selects = engine.findDataByVarName("q_checkbox"); // Select-type (Checkbox) let text = joiner.join(selects, ', ', select => `${select.value}:${select.display}`);
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
join(Collection collection, String prefix, String suffix, String joiner, Function<Object, String> converter) Concatenates collections by specifying a Prefix/Suffix/Joiner |
String |
join(Collection collection, String prefix, String suffix, Function<Object, String> converter) Concatenates collections by specifying a Prefix/Suffix |
String |
join(Collection collection, String joiner, Function<Object, String> converter) Concatenates collections by specifying a Joiner |
String |
splitJoin(String lines, String prefix, String suffix, String joiner) Splits a multi-line string into individual lines and concatenates them by specifying a Prefix/Suffix/Joiner |
String |
splitJoin(String lines, String prefix, String suffix) Splits a multi-line string into individual lines and reconnects them by specifying a Prefix / Suffix |
String |
splitJoin(String lines, String joiner) Splits a multi-line string into individual lines and concatenates them by specifying a Joiner |
Code example
text = escaper.escapeHtml(text);
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String | escapeEcmaScript(String input) Escape for EcmaScript |
String | escapeJson(String input) Escape for JSON |
String | escapeHtml(String input) Escape for HTML |
String | escapeXml(String input) Escape for XML |
String | escapeMarkdown(String input) Escape for Markdown (Convert half-width symbols to HTML entities) |
Code example
htmlText = markdown.toHtml(markdownText);
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
escape(String text) Escape for Markdown (Convert half-width symbols to HTML entities) |
String |
toHtml(String markdownText) Convert Markdown text to HTML text |
Code example
const xmltext = '<sales vendor="John">' + '<merchandise type="Orange" price="4" quantity="6"/>' + '<merchandise type="Apple" price="3" quantity="10"/>' + '<merchandise type="Peach" price="5" quantity="3"/>' + '</sales>'; const nodeList = xpath.findNodeList(xmltext, '/sales/merchandise');
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
NodeWrapper |
findNode(NodeWrapper node, String xpathText) Returns a DOM Node matching XPath expression from Node |
NodeWrapper |
findNode(String xml, String xpathText) Returns a DOM Node matching the XPath expression from XML |
NodeListWrapper |
findNodeList(NodeWrapper node, String xpathText) Returns a list of DOM Nodes matching the XPath expression from Node |
NodeListWrapper |
findNodeList(String xml, String xpathText) Returns a list of DOM Nodes matching the XPath expression from XML |
String |
findNodeText(NodeWrapper node, String xpathText) Returns the DOM Node that matches the XPath expression from Node and returns its text |
String |
findNodeText(String xml, String xpathText) Returns the DOM Node matching the XPath expression from XML and return its text |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
getNodeName() Returns node name |
String |
getNodeValue() Returns node value |
short |
getNodeType() Returns node type |
NodeWrapper |
getParentNode() Returns parent node |
NodeListWrapper |
getChildNodes() Returns a list of child nodes |
NodeWrapper |
getFirstChild() Returns the first child node |
NodeWrapper |
getLastChild() Returns the last child node |
NodeWrapper |
getPreviousSibling() Returns the previous node |
NodeWrapper |
getNextSibling() Returns the next node |
boolean |
hasChildNodes() Determines if it has child nodes |
String |
getNamespaceURI() Returns a namespace URI |
String |
getPrefix() Returns a namespace prefix |
String |
getLocalName() Returns the local part of the qualified name of a node |
boolean |
hasAttributes() Determines if it has attributes |
String |
getBaseURI() Returns the absolute base URI of a node |
String |
getTextContent() Returns the text content of the specified node and descendants of the node |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
int |
getLength() Return the length of the node list |
NodeWrapper |
item(int N) Returns the Nth item |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
int |
getLength() Returns the length of a byte array |
Code example
feedService.begin() .setMessage( "Post message" ) .post();
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
FeedMessageWrapper |
begin() Creates a post message |
int |
getPostingLimit() Returns the maximum number of message posts |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
FeedMessageWrapper |
setMessage(String message) Sets message body |
FeedMessageWrapper |
setShareQgroup(QgroupView qgroup) Sets a shared scope Organization |
FeedMessageWrapper |
attachFile(QfileView qfile) Attaches a File (up to 100MB) |
FeedMessageWrapper |
attachLink(String url) Attaches a hyperlink (does not retrieve the title by accessing the Web site) |
Long |
post() Posts message |
Code example
const httpLimit = httpClient.getRequestingLimit();
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
HttpRequestWrapper |
begin() Creates an HTTP Request |
AuthSettingWrapper |
findAuthSetting(String authSettingName, boolean sharedOrNot) Returns [HTTP Authorization Setting] object |
String | getOAuth2Token(String authSettingName) * deprecated (2026-04) * Use getOAuth2Token(AuthSettingWrapper authSetting)() Returns Token by referring to [HTTP Authorization Setting] - [OAuth2]: Retruns saved Access Token. If the Access Token has expired / has not been acquired, gets a new Access Token from the Authorization Server and returns the Token. - [Token Fixed Value]: Return {Entered String} ("Fixed token value", "API key", etc) - [Basic Authentication]: Error |
String |
getOAuth2Token(AuthSettingWrapper authSetting) Returns Token by referring to [HTTP Authorization Setting] - [OAuth2] [OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant Type]: Retruns saved Access Token. If the Access Token has expired / has not been acquired, gets a new Access Token from the Authorization Server and returns the Token. - [Token Fixed Value]: Return {Entered String} ("Fixed token value", "API key", etc) - [Basic Authentication]: Error |
int |
getRequestingLimit() Returns the maximum number of HTTP Requests |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
HttpRequestWrapper |
queryParam(String name, String value) Adds text parameters to a query (on top of the URL encoding) |
HttpRequestWrapper | authSetting(String authSettingName) * deprecated (2026-04) * Use authSetting(AuthSettingWrapper authSetting) Adds Authorization header by referring to [HTTP Authorization Setting] - [OAuth2]: "Authorization: Bearer {managed AccessToken}" - [Token Fixed Value]: "Authorization: Bearer {string you entered}" - [Basic Authentication]: "Authorization: Basic {base64 encoded USR:PASSWORD}" |
HttpRequestWrapper |
authSetting(AuthSettingWrapper authSetting) Adds Authorization header by referring to [HTTP Authorization Setting] - [OAuth2] [OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant Type]: "Authorization: Bearer {managed AccessToken}" - [Token Fixed Value]: "Authorization: Bearer {string you entered}" - [Basic Authentication]: "Authorization: Basic{base64 encoded USR:PASSWORD}" |
HttpRequestWrapper |
authorization(String type, String credentials) Adds an Authorization header by specifying the type and credentials directly |
HttpRequestWrapper |
googleOAuth2(QuserView quser, String serviceName) Adds an Authorization header by referring to the authentication settings for [Google Connectivity] by specified User serviceName: "Drive", "Calendar" |
HttpRequestWrapper |
basic(String userName, String password) Adds Basic Authentication to the header |
HttpRequestWrapper |
bearer(String token) Adds Bearer Authentication to the header |
HttpRequestWrapper |
header(String name, String value) Adds a custom header to the header (Custom HTTP headers that can be added [R2253]) |
boolean |
containsHeader(String name) Determine if the specified header has already been set in the request |
HttpRequestWrapper |
body() Set the body part empty (without Content-Type) |
HttpRequestWrapper |
body(QfileView qfile) Sets file in the body |
HttpRequestWrapper |
body(QfileView qfile, String contentType) Sets file in the body by specifying Content-Type |
HttpRequestWrapper |
body(String content, String contentType) Sets text in the body by specifying Content-Type |
HttpRequestWrapper |
body(ByteArrayWrapper content, String contentType) Sets binary data in the body by specifying Content-Type |
HttpRequestWrapper |
formParam(String name, String value) Adds text parameters to the body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) |
HttpRequestWrapper |
multipart(String name, String value) Adds text parameters to the body (multipart/form-data) |
HttpRequestWrapper |
multipart(String name, QfileView qfile) Adds file data to the body (multipart/form-data) |
HttpRequestWrapper |
multipart(String name, String fileContent, String contentType, String fileName) Adds file data to the body after converting text data to character code (multipart/form-data) |
HttpResponseWrapper |
get(String url) Sends GET request |
HttpResponseWrapper |
post(String url) Sends POST request |
HttpResponseWrapper |
patch(String url) Sends PATCH request |
HttpResponseWrapper |
put(String url) Sends PUT request |
HttpResponseWrapper |
delete(String url) Sends DELETE request |
- A "Questetra-Pid" header (the value is a numeric process ID) is always added when sending HTTP requests
- For debugging processes, a "Questetra-Debug: true" header is added
- If a value is explicitly specified, such as header("Questetra-Debug", "false"), it takes precedence
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
int |
getStatusCode() Returns the status code of the HTTP response |
ByteArrayWrapper |
getResponse() Returns HTTP responses as binary data |
String |
getResponseAsString() Returns HTTP responses as a string |
String |
getContentType() Returns the content type of the HTTP response |
String |
getCharset() Returns the character code of the HTTP Response |
List<String> |
getHeaderNames() Returns a list of HTTP response headers |
List<String> |
getHeaderValues(String headerName) Returns a list of the values of specified headers in the HTTP response |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
String |
getName() Returns [HTTP Authorization Setting] name |
String |
getAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl() Returns the value set in Authorization Endpoint URL of [HTTP Authorization Setting] (Error if the HTTP authentication setting does not have the corresponding setting item) |
String |
getAccessTokenRequestUrl() Returns the value set in Token Endpoint URL of [HTTP Authorization Setting] (Error if the HTTP authentication setting does not have the corresponding setting item) |
String |
getScope() Returns the value set in Scope of [HTTP Authorization Setting] (Error if the HTTP authentication setting does not have the corresponding setting item) |
String |
getClientId() Returns the value set in Client ID of [HTTP Authorization Setting] (Error if the HTTP authentication setting does not have the corresponding setting item) |
String |
getClientSecret() Returns the value set in Client Secret of [HTTP Authorization Setting] (Error if the HTTP authentication setting does not have the corresponding setting item) |
String |
getToken() Returns the value of Token in [HTTP Authorization Setting] (Only for Token Fixed Value. Error if the HTTP authentication setting does not have the corresponding setting item) |
String |
getBasicUserName() Returns the value set in User Name of [HTTP Authorization Setting] (Only for Basic Authorization. Error if the HTTP authentication setting does not have the corresponding setting item) |
String |
getBasicPassword() Returns the value set in Password of [HTTP Authorization Setting] (Only for Basic Authorization. Error if the HTTP authentication setting does not have the corresponding setting item) |
Code example
emailService.begin() .addTo("", "YAMADA") .setSubject("Email subject") .setBody( mail_body ) .send();
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
EmailMessageWrapper |
begin() Creates an email message |
int |
getSendingLimit() Returns the maximum number of emails sent |
Type | Method (constructor) / Description |
EmailMessageWrapper |
addTo(String emailAddress, String fullName) Adds the To address |
EmailMessageWrapper |
addCc(String emailAddress, String fullName) Adds the Cc address |
EmailMessageWrapper |
addBcc(String emailAddress, String fullName) Adds the Bcc address |
EmailMessageWrapper |
setFrom(String emailAddress, String fullName) Sets the From address |
EmailMessageWrapper |
setReplyTo(String emailAddress, String fullName) Sets the ReplyTo address |
EmailMessageWrapper |
setSubject(String subject) Sets the email subject |
EmailMessageWrapper |
setBody(String body) Sets the email body, same as setTextBody() |
EmailMessageWrapper |
setTextBody(String textBody) Sets the email body text |
EmailMessageWrapper |
setHtmlBody(String htmlBody) Sets the email body in HTML |
EmailMessageWrapper |
addAttachment(QfileView qfile) Adds an attachment(up to 5MB) |
EmailMessageWrapper |
addAttachment(String fileName, String contentType, String fileContent) Converts text data to character code and attaches the data as a file |
void |
send() Sends email |
- Set either setTextBody () or setHtmlBody (). If both are missing it will result in an error.
- If both setTextBody() and setHtmlBody() are set, it will be a multipart/alternative mail.
- It is not possible to embed inline images in an HTML mail.
- In addAttachment(), if Content-Type contains Java's own charset, charset is omitted
- For example: text/plain; charset=x-UTF-16LE-BOM
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