By placing [Generate PDF File] in the middle of the Flow Diagram and preparing a template PDF, a PDF file will be automatically generated upon arrival at this Step. Business data will be inserted in each Form field of the Template PDF. For example, you can automatically generate a PDF file following the confirmation of expense data by a supervisor or accounting personnel.
1. Usage Example of PDF Auto-generation
- a. Internal Record
- Auto-generating a PDF document for an audit trail (e.g. 'Detailed Statement of Expense', 'Invoice')
- b. External Submission
- Auto-generating a PDF document to be an email attachment or printed and mailed (e.g. 'Appointment Letter', 'Employee Transfer Letter')
2. Arrange and Set the PDF Generation Step
- 1. String to be the Name of the Generated file
- Refers to String-type data such as the Issue name or issued ID
- 2. Directory where the Generated file will be Stored
- The generated file will be added to the specified File-type Data Item
- To prevent duplication of the file name prepare a unique String-type data upstream of the automated process
E.g. "Invoice-#{#format(#q_datetime, 'yyyyMMddHHmm')}.pdf", etc. - It is possible to delete PDF files created in the past (optional)
- There is also built-in automated steps to generate PDF files from HTML, available in the Advanced Edition
3. Prepare and Register a Template PDF
- 1. Create an Outline for a Template PDF
- Create a PDF of your design, with fixed sentences and background images using Microsoft Word, etc. (no-form.pdf)
- 2. Arrangement of the Form
- Place the "Form Field (Text)" to the position where you want to insert the data (Requires Acrobat, etc.)
- 3. Set the Insertion ID
- Change the "Name" of each Form Field to the Insertion ID (e.g. "q_name")
- 4. Register as a Template PDF
- Register the Template PDF to the Workflow platform or external server
- To insert data, use the Field name (character string following q_) set for each Data Item
- Also works with an old format that uses data definition numbers (data ['9']) instead of Field names
- [Administrative privileged Users] are able to register a Template PDF to be used Cross-operationally (M320)
- It is also possible to obtain samples of the Template PDF
R2280: Business Data Insertion Id (PDF)
BPMN Icons: Generate PDF File
Base PDF
Fig. Conceptual image of generation of a new PDF from the Template PDF
X. Business Apps
- Billing Process
- Shipment BPO Flow
- Estimate Creation Flow
- Online Estimate Storage Flow
- Expense Claim Monthly Flow
- Postal Matter Sending Process
- Acceptance Inspection Request Flow
- Approval Flow-Budget Control
- Invoice Issuance-Sampling Check
- BPO Shipment Process
- Approval Request Flow
Z. More Info: Samples of Template PDF
- a. Sales Operation
- Quote (63 forms of Destination, Message, etc.)
- b. Invoicing Operation
- Invoice (66 forms of Destination, Bank details, Payee, etc.)
- c. Postal Procedure
- Letter of transmittal (7 forms of Address, Destination, etc.)
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