This is a list of the information that registered Users have. Email addresses must not conflict with other User's addresses.
Displaying Items
User ID
The User's identifier (u+value). The value will be automatically issued.
e.g. u10
User Name
The name of the User. (Mandatory)
Email Address
The email address for the User. Utilized as Login ID.
The email address must not conflict with other Users.
Will be deleted in the future
If checked, the user will be flagged as "Will be deleted in the future".
Workflow Apps that refer to the flagged Users will become setting error. Also, the flagged Users cannot be newly assigned in the Operator setting, etc.
Latest Login Time
The date and time that the user most recently logged in is recorded and displayed.
Password Login
Determines if login using a password is permitted.
Can be configured so that the user is forced to change their password at the next login.
Password last updated
The date and time that the password was most recently updated is recorded and displayed.
API access with Basic Authentication
Determines permission to access APIs using Basic Authentication.
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