Starting a new Issue using replicated data of past issues is more efficient in some cases. For example, a report or request where similar information is input on a regular basis, or an order report where the customer attribute information has been updated. By using the [Start a new Process with these data] button which is indicated on the detail screen of the completed Issue, you can register a new Issue in which the data has been pre-filled.
1. Examples of "Reusing Start"
- 1. Repeating
- Doing an Expense Report (or Leave Request) which is very similar to what has been filed in the past.
- 2. Redoing (substitution)
- Removing projects in progress after having replicated data, because errors have been found in the original application contents.
- 3. Redoing (retry)
- Retrying with the same data because there was an error in an external system connection or email transmission.
- 4. Using the know-how (selection)
- Reporting the event of a failure, with brushed-up Failure Report Statements of the same type of failure that has happened in the past.
- 5. Using the know-how (standardizing)
- Improving the sentences in customer notification statements at the time of delivery through practical work.
2. Displaying Past Data
- a. Displaying the Issues which the User has Operated
- Click on the [Detail] button on an Issue in the [Started Processes] or [Operated Tasks] list.
- b. Displaying the Issues for which the User has [Data Viewer] authorization
- Click on the [Detail] button of the Issue that is shown in the results of a date or keywords search.
- [Data Viewer] authorization is required to display the list of Issues and the [Detail] button.
- The Issues that you have operated will be displayed even if you do not have [Data Viewer] authorization on the Business Process Issue. (In the Issue's Detail screen you can view data at a level that you could view when handling it)
- Issues that you haven't undertaken will not be displayed even if they were previously displayed in [Offered].
R3020: Privilege List of App Authorization
3. Copying Issue Data
- 1. Start a New Process Using These Data
- Click on the [Start a New Process Using These Data] button to create a new Issue in which that data has been copied.
- If you are not authorized to flow a new Issue to the Workflow (Business Process) the [Start a New Process Using These Data] button is not clickable
- If there is more than one Starting point on the Workflow, you must specify the Starting point (the First Task) before copying
- The range of data that can be replicated will be different depending on the data viewing level of the User who replicates the Issue
- The range of data that can be replicated will be different depending on the input screen (Items that are available)
- Discussion-type data cannot be copied
4. Editing and Flowing
- 1. Correcting if Necessary
- Edit the copied data as necessary and register it as a new Issue.
- The text "(Copy)" will automatically be added to the [Title] of the replicated Issue
- If a Data Item of the original Task is changed from its Initial Value, the changed value is copied when the task is replicated. However, the Initial Value will not be overwritten when it is deleted (null state) or the copy source is not visible
R. Related Info
- Tutorial: Who Can View The Process Business Data and Who Can’t?
- FAQ: Which Data Items will be Copied When Reusing Data?
X. Business Apps
Z. More Info: Reusing Past Data After Starting A New Issue
- 1. Open Operating form
- Open the Operating form screen by starting a new Issue from the [Start] list or by starting handling an Issue from [My Tasks], etc.
- 2. Copy data from another Process
- Click on [Copy data from the other process] then choose a Process whose data to copy
- The data is copied to the input fields that can be entered
- The data is not saved unless you click [Finish] or [Save and Quit]
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